Sunday, October 4, 2020

Member Report: Praying Mantis

 Certified Master Naturalist, Janice Walker, submitted this report about the Praying Mantis

Is it Praying or Preying Mantis

As a Navy family we traveled a bit when our children were young. While we were on our second tour in San Diego we had a small back yard. When I say small we used a weed whacker to cut the grass. Our girls were 6, 4 and 1. I wanted to show them how easy it is to make something grow. We had flowers and tomatoes. We also had aphids. Wanting a natural way to get rid of the aphids I choose lady bugs or the correct term lady beetles. They are not bugs. Who knew? The nursery rhyme called them lady bugs. "Ladybug, ladybug fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are all alone." We went to the local flower shop and brought home a container of lady beetles a set them free. Some flew away and a some stayed to take care of the aphids. They did a fantastic job.

 Feeling really good with the way the gardening lesson turned out, we made a return trip back to the flower shop and this time we came home with a praying mantis.

Photo by Janice Walker

The mantis is truly a magnificent creature if not a little creepy too. They look like an alien, with their large eyes. These insects see in stereo and in 3D. We all know they are the only insect that can turn their heads, which to me gives them intelligence. I am not real secure having an insect that may very well be smarter than me.

Photo by Janice Walker

There are over 2,000 species of these creatures around the world all having adapted to their environment. They are experts at camouflage, stealth and agile like a cat. Striking very quickly using the spikes on their legs as skewers to hold their prey in place.

Photo by Janice Walker

 Seeing well and being able to turn your head gives them advantage when hunting. Since they are fearless hunters, they do not stop at insects. They are also known to go after spiders, small animals, hummingbirds, small birds, frogs and lizards. Not to mention sometimes their mate. Yep, they are cannibals or at least the females are. (I won’t even comment on what this says for the female mantis.)

Photo by Janice Walker

 Soon to be mothers need to eat lots of food in preparations for laying a large bunch of eggs. Plus, she is going to get hungry during their three-hour mating session. So, what’s she going to do? Stop and call out for a pizza? Nope she bites his head off. He will continue with the session with out a head. (I won’t even comment on what this says for the male mantis.)

Photo by Janice Walker

This brings me back to the lady beetles and the garden. We were all so happy to add this insect eating predator to our garden. Until the day our daughters saw this awesome and magnificent creature eat one of the lady beetles. So ended the garden lesson and began the life lesson.







  1. Well written, and per usual, very funny AND informative. I love it! I still love Praying Mantis over lady bugs!

  2. Who knew it was "Lady Beetle"! My whole life is a lie. I love these blog posts, keep 'em up!


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