Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Welcome to 2021!  In the words of my favorite 90s band, Counting Crows, "Maybe this year will be better than the last."

Having been nominated to serve as chapter Co-President, I felt I should introduce myself for those who may not know me.  I went through the VMN training program in 2018 and have certified and recertified in the past two years.  I have participated in a few different volunteer activities, but have gotten most of my hours on trail maintenance and cleanup and the spotted lanternfly monitoring project.  I have enjoyed being a part of VMN and am happy to have met so many smart people who care deeply about the natural world around them.

My earliest childhood memories are of being lost in the woods.  When I was four, My sister and I wandered off from a campground and were lost into the night before we finally found our way back to the camp site.  When I was six, my family and I missed our takeout on a canoe trip and ended up in dire straits.  I'll never forget sleeping on the side of a dirt road, wearing a trash bag to keep warm, waiting for someone to pick us up.

As an adult, however, I would be lost without the woods. I, like many of you find myself drawn more and more to natural places. Places where there is no news, no debate, no hostility and no urgency.  The woods hold the answers and the wisdom for those who can find the stillness to listen.  Time spent in nature is never time wasted.  We, as naturalists know this.  It is important for us to continue to keep this community strong through these trying times and to share our love of the natural world with those who need the peace and stillness that nature provides.

I look forward to seeing you and working with you in the coming year.

Chad Rhoads

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