Sunday, April 4, 2021

Service Project Update: Nest Watch

NestWatch update (by Kathy Fell)

 It is not too late to sign up for Nestwatch!  

The birds in my yard have been busy.  I have a completed chickadee nest in the box in the herb garden. 

 Last year, I put up a new box in a in a weedy spot, hoping to lure the Carolina Wrens out from under the lid of the nearby LP tank.  Last week, I was surprised to find a completed nest inside!  But who built it?

The answer was clear this week: 

Bluebird eggs

Now, if you were a self-respecting bluebird would you choose the larger box, equipped with multiple predator guards near a mowed area for bug hunting, or would you choose the smaller, less protected box that is 100 ft. closer to the peanut and suet feeder (which, but the way, will be put away this month, since bears like to visit).  Hmmm.... Yup, the smaller box in the weeds. 

Prime real estate for bluebird families

Weedy neighborhood, closer to "soon to disappear" food source

Well, who knows what goes on in those little bird heads. They certainly are fun to watch. 

Free food, soon to run out.... 

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