Thursday, June 10, 2021

Eastern Mole or the Common Mole (Scalopus aquaticus)

Eastern Mole or the Common Mole (Scalopus aquaticus)

The Easter Mole is found everywhere in North America and very prevalent in my yard this year. My theory (though not tested) for the increase in mole population, is the abundance of the Brood IX Cicadas in the spring of 2020. This is called prey satiation. When there are more cicadas than all the combined predators can consume. Apparently, there were enough cicadas for the moles too.

Points of Interests:

They are not blind.

They are carnivores and do not eat bulbs and roots.

Mostly eat earthworms and small invertebrates and eat half of their body weight daily.

Solitary creatures only coming together to mate.

A group of moles are called “a labour”

Males are called “boars”.

Females are called “sows”. Giving birth to 3-4 pups.

Offspring are called “pups”. Pups are weaned at 33 days and are on their own.

They can tolerate higher levels of carbon dioxide.

They have polydactyl forepaws; each having an extra thumb “prepollex.

Make a tunnel 15-18 feet long in an hour.

Their salvia has a toxin which paralyzes the worm. The mole then stores the worm in a larder for later consumption.

The mole will decapitate the worm. Squeezing the worm between its forepaws releasing any dirt from the worms’ guts.

They smell in stereo.

They are not rodents.

They have fur not hair.

Natural enemies; snakes, cats, foxes and eagles.

Will somersault and run backwards to avoid an enemy.

Can move 80 feet per minute to escape.

They are Diurnal. Spends most of the day in search of food.

Their closest relative is the shrew.

They are ruining my yard! 

Janice H. Walker

Southwest Piedmont

Certified Virginia Master Naturalist

1 comment:

  1. I used to have a dog who would listen for moles, then pounce and dig them up. She was part terrier.


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