Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Chapter News: Congrats to our 2021 Basic Training Graduates

This spring, our chapter partnered with BRFAL to tackle training new Virginia Master Naturalists via Zoom! Providing training online was not previously offered, but in a few short weeks of planning, we were able to put together a full class schedule, complete with in-person and virtual field trips. 

Our chapter had three bright, curious, and highly informed trainees to attend: Randee Brown, Stephanie Lovely, and Jill Straight. They have completed their training and will be excellent additions to our chapter. We are very excited to see how they get involved!

We are hopeful to return to in-person training either this fall or early next year. Stay tuned for more updates on when it will be offered. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the new graduates. Looking forward to meeting and working with each of you.


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