Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Message from Ivan


                                                             Better Than Normal


I have no pictures to send today, just a few thoughts. As I look out the window, I realize no photo can capture the scenic beauty of nature that I am observing. How committed are you to preserve this gift that nature has provided to us? We must ask ourselves “just how committed am I?” “How many volunteer hours will I commit serving to protect our planet earth this year?” Have you set a goal for the number of volunteer hours you plan to serve this year? Have you created a plan to provide that time? If that plan becomes unobtainable, do you have an alternate plan? As we all know, any successful endeavor requires a goal and a plan to be successful. Otherwise, failure is imminent.


In lieu of the current pandemic many activities have slowed or come to a halt. As a group, we should not let a temporary or permanent obstacle bring our ambitions to a halt. We work around them. We let our creative selves overcome those obstacles. Think for a moment how many obstacles that have occurred in our lives requiring us to adjust our thinking and activities to overcome those obstacles. If you are like most people, there have been many. Many of us remark that they will be glad when things return to normal. Not I! I want things to be better than normal. As Master Naturalists, lets let’s work to make the world better than normal. There it is, this is my sermon for the week. Lol, have a great rest of the year.

Ivan Hiett   


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