Friday, January 29, 2021


My journey to saying “no” to single use plastic. 

Janice Walker


On my journey to eliminate single use plastic, I have had to examine where in an average day, I come across plastic. I have found plastic everywhere. Which was overwhelming to me. I was thinking maybe I could not eliminate single use plastic. It just could not be done. And it may not, but at least I am going to give it a try. So, I decided to take baby steps and not solve this problem in one fell swoop. But to look for solutions one at a time.


Step 1: Looking for alternative sources for cleaning products that did not use plastic.


Step 1A: Laundry (If you have read my previous articles, you will remember my job security lies with laundry 😊)


Switching from a large plastic container that holds these cute little pods of laundry soap, to a cardboard box that holds powdered detergent, only to find in the box was a plastic scoop. Even though the scoop is made from 100% recycled materials and is listed with a #1 for recycling, I do not want it. (The scoop would be perfect for playing in the sand, but I do not have a sandbox.) The scoop is not even strong enough for use in my garden. So off to the recycling bin it goes. Off to the recycling bin is not the solution. I am looking for no single use plastic.

Gain plastic scoop


Recently, I discovered a company “EC30”. Which might be a solution. No plastic – I mean no plastic. No plastic even in packaging/shipping.  50% fewer emissions and no water (I did not even know I was looking for these), plus they plant 1 tree with every purchase. Who knew my journey would lead me to “Carbon Neutral Cleaning”?


So, I took the plunge and said, “what the heck” and ordered a Home Care Trial Kit. I have tried the laundry soap. They are fiber squares (2”x2.5”) that dissolve in water. Noticeably light weight. Which means less weight, less fossil fuels used in transportation. The squares came in a brown box that is compostable.


I do not have little ones, who run around in the red clay anymore. So, I cannot speak to the tough stain removal, but for my needs it worked great. To be honest it is a little pricey, (a $1 per load), but I am willing to pay more for a product that checks all the boxes on my list for the elimination of single use plastic products, plus they plant a tree.

                                                                                EC30 Laundry Soap


On to the next step. Peace, Janice


The point behind this journal is not to promote specific companies and avoid others. The point is simply to share my journey.

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