Dottie Haley is the Henry County coordinator for the Virginia Bluebird Society. Please contact her if you are interested in helping with bluebird monitoring this year.
I Can’t Imagine a
World Without Birds
It is hard to believe that when I first showed an interest
in monitoring Bluebird boxes, it was mainly to accumulate VMN volunteer service
hours. That was 12 years ago. Although I am still monitoring, it is for
very different reasons.
My mentor was a man named Jimmy Doyle. He began his quest to help the Bluebirds in
the 70’s. He was seeing the decline in
the Bluebird population and wanted to do whatever he could to help. He became the Henry County Co-Ordinator for
the Virginia Bluebird Society and devoted his life to the cause. He
spread the word about Bluebirds and taught others who wanted to help what to do. Jimmy was getting older and was no longer
physically able to do everything that needed to be done. I met with him on a beautiful spring morning
so that he could show me the trail that he was handing off to me. His excitement and enthusiasm were contagious
so after an hour spent with Jimmy, I was officially a fanatic. As a monitor, it
is exciting to see the progress in the life cycle of the Bluebird each week and
a good feeling to look back at the end of each nesting season and see how many
Bluebirds (and other nest box dwellers) that you helped fledge. Each one makes a difference.
My fanaticism quickly spread to include all birds. I became obsessed with learning as many
species names as possible and still get super excited to see a species that I
have never seen before. They come in
such a wide array of sizes, colors and patterns. What’s not to love? I have spent many snowy days staring out the
window at my feeders admiring all of those who visit.
A new nesting season is right around the corner. If you are interested in becoming a Bluebird
box monitor, please contact me. Since
this is an outdoor activity, we are able to carry on with no Covid concerns.
If you are in the Danville Virginia area, please contact Vicky Fuquay of Virginia Bluebird Society through Raywood Landscape Center in Danville, There is even a nest box camera you can set up to watch what goes on inside the box as the babies develop. Also a link: